Navigate the Future
Don’t get lost!
A 2-days intensive Master Class that will teach you everything you need to Spot trends and Design Future Strategies that will blow up minds and get people into immediate action.
A 2-days intensive Master Class that will teach you everything you need to Spot trends and Design Future Strategies that will blow up minds and get people into immediate action.
Need to know which trends are most relevant to you, but hate big expensive reports?
Want to create a future mindset in your organisation, but don´t know how?
Believe that the future can be captured, but you need the right tools?
Want to make a positive impact on the world, by changing the rules of the game?
Want to find the next way to hit the Jackpot in times of disruption?
Want to see what is just beyond the horizon, before everyone else – but don’t know how?
Want to get people and organisations to understand and follow you as a thought leader?
Here are a some examples…
Like a pro without breaking a sweat
And see what most people are completely oblivious to. The perfect umbrella for your work with strategy.
You will be surprised with what a trend-based imagination can pull off! You will create ideas that are future-proof and sell themselves.
You will master all the skills you need to catch the future and use it to
(with your top 10 burning questions)
Improve your business
Plan better strategies
Understand data
Feel prepared for the future
Improve your mental Health
Guide yourself and your people
Develop better products
And Rebel against the old rules
My point is that the methods and how you approach futurism has kicked much more ass, than you know. I with my background am able to use all your templates and trends and create so much value for my clients. You are freaking awseome!!
Noa Reddington, Former chief adviser to The Danish Prime Minister
I’ve had 7 ‘Futurist’ clients since undertaking your workshop – steadily building momentum. The investment in your workshop has paid for itself multiple times over.
Matt O’Neill, Managing Director Modcomms limited
Few educations have had a significant impact on me over time – Important for them has helped me to move both as human and leader – Future Navigator is one of the few that has done so.
In my daily work as a CEO, it is essential that I follow opportunities, evaluate the future and its implications. Trendspotting is an extremely powerful tool, giving me the basic prerequisites for assessing the future and the possibilities. A tool I as a leader cannot be without.
John Hartvig Mølgaard , CEO Provas, Denmark
Future Studies have never been more important
Different approaches to spotting the future
Lean the futurist vocabulary
Get in bed with the future
Methodological Curiosity
Develop your vantage point for spotting trends
Trend-Spotting Exercises
Filter the future for impact and transformational power
Online community
Collect + Process + Apply the future
Create your own trends
Share your challenge and we will show you how to use the future space in order to give you new ideas and ways to move forward.
+ GUEST Interview sharing their futurist experience
When does the future arrive?
Timeline creation
Trendcards and trendmapping
Applying your vantage point
Design a FutureGraphic Overview
Future-Based Ideas Development
Communicate the future
Course Certificate & Futurist Graduation
Master the Futuregraphic model and create many different future perspectives quickly. The perfect tool to challenge the old rules and design the future in a one-page-model.
Create a Futurist Unit inside your organization that can predict, anticipate and create the future – and keep doing it.
Give us your challenge + an Ambassador Team/Group of Talents and we will apply the futurist methods to give you new in-house ideas and ways to move forward.
+ Exclusive Keynote Inspiration
August 29th & September 5th 2025
August 21st & August 28th 2026
Time: 9am-3pm + Networking Friday Bar
A limited number of participants: 10
Location: KLUB, Linnésgade 25, 1361 Copenhagen, Denmark
Total Fee: Euro 1.350 incl. light breakfast, lunch, refreshments and course material
If you wish to have a tailored course at your own premises, that can be arranged too with a minimum of 6 participants
Note: Future Navigator reserves the right to re-arrange or cancel the dates free of charge