In the past decades, the automation of society has accelerated. This is a good thing – at least if we know how to do it right!
That is what the discussion revolves around in this panel debate between Liselotte Lyngso, founder and managing partner of Future Navigator and Margareta Mucibabici, Public Automation is what the discussion revolves around in this panel debate between Liselotte Lyngsø, founder and managing partner of Future Navigator and Margareta Mucibabici, Public Affairs Manager at UIPath and Rohit Talwar, Fast Futures.
The panel discusses:
How can we use automation as a force for GOOD?
“Technology is neutral and therefore, it is our job to use it RIGHT and transform it into an improved future.”
Liselotte Lyngso.
From automation to precision economy
To answer the question of how we can ensure a brighter future with the use of technology, it’s important to establish what ‘using automation as a force for good’ really means.
For futurist Liselotte Lyngso, a key driver is that the automation age is being superseded by the Precision Age. What she means by this, is that technology gives us the ability to use the exact amount of resources that we need. In other words, automation will make it possible to stop extreme and unnecessary consumption of limited resources.
An example of this is tailored indoor climate. Instead of heating up an entire house, precision heat and cooling will allow us to adjust temperature, humidity etc. individually for each person in the house. Thus, turning off the electricity where we are not! The whole point is looking for areas where we waste energy for no good reason.

Margareta Mucibabici agrees that precision is a key word when we use technology to improve the world. Additionally, she adds how important it is that we use technology intentionally. That means to give access, equipping people with the right skills and education in terms of ethics and user-friendliness.
How do we smooth the transformation from handmade to automated?
We know that technology will replace jobs, that it will liberate people and give them incredible opportunities for the future. Furthermore, Liselotte Lyngso does not foresee a jobless future. Our needs and expectations will increase at a much faster rate than what automation can deliver on. Just like the Hydra’s Head, the advent of better AI, driverless cars and domestic robots will create even greater demands for tender loving care, training, and healthcare.
Nevertheless, people might lose their jobs before new, exciting jobs are created. This leaves us the question of what we can so to smooth that transition. How do we prepare society in order to address what’s coming?
To Mucibabici, the answer is clear as day; Partnerships are the key. According to her, we can achieve much more when we do things in partnerships with other organizations. It’s about democratizing access to automation and learning with our partners.
Lyngso’s answer to this question revolves around life-long learning securing your employability. She stresses the importance of ‘just in time’ education, where we’re taught new skills throughout life just when they are needed. As opposed to ‘if and when’ education in the beginning of your career.
For inspiring and concrete examples of where automation is already enabling a better future watch the whole panel discussion just below!
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