Entries by cirkelingelyngso

The Future of Work with AI: The Secret to Success in Your Future Workplace

Welcome to the future of work, where artificial intelligence (AI) and personal AI assistants are poised to revolutionize how we work, think, and grow. Already, 88% of communicators have integrated AI into their daily routines, signaling a transformative wave that will reshape tasks, well-being, and professional development. Futurist Liselotte Lyngsø sheds light on this emerging […]

Futurist: Expect These 10 Trends in 2025

Are you ready to embrace 2025? The new year promises groundbreaking trends that could transform how we live, work, and think. In an article for Woman, futurist Liselotte Lyngsø shares her predictions for the trends set to dominate in 2025—from the reinvention of the homemaker role to AI as your personal butler. 1. TRADWIVES: THE MODERN […]

The British Chamber of Commerce: Leadership Forum on Technology and the Future

The British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg proudly welcomed Futurist Liselotte Lyngsø for a fascinating, energising and insightful talk at its Leadership Forum held on 19 October at the Banque de Luxembourg. Liselotte discussed the future and its exciting advancements such as robots, quantum computers, and virtual reality. Cool topics that she frequently engages with […]

People First; Why Is It So Important?

At the Fast Company annual meeting for innovative leaders and creative people in business, the focus was on how important it is to put people first in technology, design, cities, and sustainability. Why? Because ultimately, we create these things to improve our lives. If we make sure to think about people first, we can also […]

The Age of Precision

Listen to the podcast from FuturePrint, where futurist Liselotte Lyngsø talks about predicting Brexit, the crisis of leadership, the importance of creativity and future trends. MASTER THE ART OF TRENDSPOTTING AND HOST YOUR OWN TREND MAPPING WORKSHOPS Do you want to learn how to spot trends and translate the future into strategy, ideas and development […]