How creative placemaking will benefit Danish society

How creative placemaking will benefit Danish society

“Creative Placemaking is an evolving field of practice which intentionally leverages the power of the arts, culture and creativity. It serves a community’s interest. It drives a broader agenda for change, growth and transformation in a way that also builds character and quality of place.”

In a report published in June 2021, The Urban Land Institute seeks to reach audiences across interests and borders. Their goal is to address how creative placemaking will bring new economic development opportunities. How it will enhance architectural designs and create a distinctive identity and sense of place to projects.

Along with a number of other stakeholders representing different perspectives on creative placemaking, futurist Liselotte Lyngso has contributed her insight and knowledge to this report.


The Urban Land Institute is a global, member-driven organisation with more than 45,000 real estate and urban development professionals. They’re dedicated to shaping the future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities worldwide.

How creative placemaking will turn places into destinations

Creative placemaking will develop extraordinary and successful real estate projects. Projects that will have a valuable impact. Not only socially and environmentally but also emotionally and financially. It will turn places into destinations!

Have you ever been to Sydhavnskvarteret in Aarhus? Or how about Kødbyen and Refshaleøen in Copenhagen?

The city areas are examples of places where creative placemaking has transformed places into popular destinations for both tourists and locals. Also, the sites attracts both exciting companies and potential new residents. And visitors from the outside are dying to visit. The success of these places will have great effect in terms of economic value.

Besides the economic impact, creative placemaking will deliver social value as well. This will be achieved by inserting art and other cultural features to the sites. Adding these valuables, residents and visitors will find themselves more attracted to the site. This will improve their emotional well-being, realising that the site or building is more than just bricks.

Do you want to read more about how creative placement will impact Danish society and communities in the future? How it will have an impact on making our cities sustainable?

Read  the ULI report right here.


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