
This is what your future office will look like

This is what your future office will look like

The future of the office: The time is now!

The pandemic has changed the way we use and interact in the office in radical a way. Pets, eating arrangements, smart ceilings, co-working spaces, sustainability. In this article futurist Liselotte Lyngsø looks into how the office will look like in 2030. As she says:

“As a futurist, I’ve been talking about the reshaping of the office for ages, wondering when it’s going to happen. It’s great that employees are finally actually talking about the workplace of their dreams.”

-Liselotte Lyngsø.

Future offices will make us stronger – mentally, physically, and socially

The offices that we are returning too will have sustainability as a top priority. And sustainability has many faces. We will need to be serious about dealing with our CO2 emissions: spend less time traveling overall but still increase mobility and provide flexibility when we finally do hit the road.

With eco-buildings, it will be much easier to focus on a healthy environment in the offices. Smart ceilings will detect where we walk and personalize indoor climate. The same goes for cleaning, where intelligent robots will track where people have been and only disinfect or sanitize those areas. Cool, right?

We will also be moving away from measuring company success purely in financial terms. We will move towards defining the performance of the business by how well people are thriving.

We will have to continually learn new things and therefor think about the future office like a fitness center. When we go to our place of work, it needs to make us stronger mentally, physically, and socially. Strong and healthy employees feed back into the brand and cultural connection with the business.

From daycare to pet-care

Another thing that will change in the offices is our eating arrangements. We are going to want our breaks to be much more special than before the pandemic. Companies will have to create more open spaces where we will eat together, relax, socialize, or conduct a working lunch. No more quick lunches with sad cafeteria food. Our office should inspire us to do better and be creative – while we work as well as when we’re taking a break.

Lastly, of course we will be bringing all the pets that we acquired during the pandemic, to our office. They’re providing us with so much happiness and businesses are not going to compromise on this. 

Read the whole article with futurist Liselotte Lyngsø and learn how we will go from being time slaves to time owners. How will hybrid work influence our future work life?

In the article, you can also read how Brother UK’s Phil Jones imagines the office of 2040 to look like. Or find out what FSloffice’s Beth Freeman discovers, when she investigates the opportunities that changes may present for dealers.


Do you want to learn how to spot trends and translate the future into strategy, ideas and development for you and your organization?

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How gaming is changing the world

How gaming is changing the world

The nerdy aura of gaming has evaporated. Gamers are no longer just pale teenage boys, sitting in their parent’s basements all day. Over a short period of time, gaming has become mainstream and even one of the most desired types of work you could have. And there’s more: Gaming is changing the world and transforming life as we knew it.

But how? In this exclusive webinar, futurist Liselotte Lyngso explores the most important and profound transformations that will impact the future of gaming.

Here are three highlights to heighten your knowledge on the future of gaming!

1. #Metoo in the gaming field

Have you ever listened to your teenage son – or just anyone – while they’re gaming? Try it. What you’ll hear is a whole lot of swear words, cursing and shouting. The tone is harsh, and it doesn’t take much to get shit stormed by your co-players. Every gamer knows this.

The gaming industry which, for many years, has operated as a boy’s club, is becoming more diverse. More and more women and minorities are entering the field. This will transform the whole industry.

Once #Metoo reaches the gaming world, companies behind the gaming fields will have to act radical. Or they risk being shit stormed like The Golden Globe or The Ellen Show.

What future are we getting Zuckerberg Zucked into?

Before the global pandemic we already talked about gamification entering the labor market, but nothing ever really happened.

Well… It will now.

1,5 years of staying home, working from home, home teaching our kids etc., has forced us to rethink our work lives completely. We participate in meetings on Zoom, and it saves us the commute to our offices. But this new way of working has not been easy. Let’s face it. A Friday bar where everyone sits at home and drinks beer through Wi-Fi is not the same as showing
up physically after a long week!

This is where gamification will be making its magic.

Mark Zuckerberg is big about gamification. He’s working on creating a way to make online meetings far more interactive so we will enter a virtual world when we “go to work”. Watch an example of Zuckerberg’s ‘Metaverse” in the webinar right here.

Gamification will take over the world

We might as well get comfortable with the idea that gaming will change our lives. And not only regarding work.

Tinder is a good example on how gamification has changed the core of our social fabric: dating and mating. From going on “real” dates – dinner and a movie kind of thing, we now treat our dating lives as a game. We swipe, we play, we create manipulated images of ourselves, just like avatars. New technologies are developing fast. Holograms has been in the books for a long time. Now it is happening. And they will be a real game changer once they are accessible for everyone. Some scientists are actually working on making it possible to taste through a screen Spooky for some. Deligthful for others.

Knowing how advanced technology development is right now, imagine what dating will be like in 2030! Even more mind blowing: Think about humans’ ability to adapt and evolve. Always moving to the next level. Just like a game!

Watch the webinar with Liselotte Lyngso. A webinar that will change your mind and preconception of gaming.


Do you want to learn how to spot trends and translate the future into strategy, ideas and development for you and your organization?

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3 megatrends that will transform the future of communication

3 megatrends that will transform the future of communication

With all the technology that we have today and all that’s still yet to come – what will communication be all about in the future?

Liselotte Lyngso, Futurist in Future Navigator, was moderating Digital Copenhagen 2019. She presented 3 megatrends that will transform the way we communicate in the future.

Feedback crisis!

Over the years, technology has made it super easy for us to communicate with each other. If we have a problem with a product, we have 24/7 assistance from chatbots. The internet makes it possible for us to call or text from one end of the world to another! We will have smart speakers, that can answer any question and that will recognize our every need before we even know them ourselves. We won’t call each other – it’s so much faster to send a text and avoid the small talk! Communication has never been easier than it is today – but maybe it has actually become too easy!?

Digitalization will take us to a level where we’re getting into a person to person feedback crisis. Because we are moving further and further away from talking to each other, people will become worse at giving feedback. Standing in front of someone and telling them how they can improve, reading their body language and expressing empathy will seem unnatural for a generation of onscreeners. Most of the communication we will experience, will be from social media or from our chatbots. Not exactly the kind of feedback that we need in terms of handling the tough subjects and taboos.

Thus, the luxury in a future of onscreeners will be to be catered for by a team of people present and aware of you. To be able to hand pick the people that can give us the best and most honest feedback. People that we can look in the eye and communicate with properly.

Unlimited knowledge

The second major trend in terms of communication will be that knowledge will no longer be a shortage. This will revolutionize the way we do marketing, customer service and other empathy driven matters. Imagine if we had a chip inserted in our heads, that made it possible for us to know exactly what each other were feeling? People would make a much greater effort in handling you as a customer, because your rating and actual reaction would be visible for everyone to see.

New role models

The kids that are growing up right now are expected to live until they’re 120 years old. Therefore, their concern towards climate change is extremely urgent. They look at their parents and are totally mortified by the way they don’t feel the same obligation to make a difference. They definitely won’t see them as very good role models and will instead look up to heroes as Greta Thunberg and other activists.

So, we’re looking towards a new generation of rebels. For them, authorities simply won’t be a thing anymore. They will only want to share data with, work for and shop from people who are as determined to taking care of our world as they are. They have no time for comprise and they know exactly how valuable they are as the shortage for talents on the labour market will only increase during the next 10 years.

Watch the video with with Liselotte Lyngso and get inspired by how these 3 trends will transform the way we communicate.


Do you want to learn how to spot trends and translate the future into strategy, ideas and development for you and your organization? 

Sign up for Future Navigators online or physical trendspotting masterclass! 

What will our work life look like in the year 2100?

What will our work life look like in the year 2100?

Machines and robots have already taken over many of the jobs that used to be performed by humans. This development will only continue in the future. There’s no way to stop it. The question is whether the change is necessarily going to have a negative effect. It might actually end up giving us a whole new perspective on our work life!

In the radio program “The Naked Scientists” from BBC, futurist Liselotte Lyngsø talks about what we can expect from future work life, where robots have been given all the physically tough assignments.

How to get a job in the future: be good at being a human

Take a deep breath and stop getting worried about loosing your job to fast and top tuned robots. Think about how it might end up being a total win win situation. All indicators show that the more we put technology into different areas, the more busy we get ourselves. Within healthcare, we now monitor elderly people in order to know exactly when they need water or exercise. It has created this hydra’s head with even more jobs for the healthcare providers. We will be around 10 billion people so there will be plenty of stuff to do, it will just be different tasks than we’re used to.

Today, many people get stressed and have to take leaves from their work. In the future we’ll look back and think that “people were so primitive, pushing people like lemons! Now we can actually get something better out of people, because we understand how they work.”

Yes, robots will take over many of the jobs that we have today. Luckily, there will be so many new jobs that we haven’t even discovered yet. Those jobs will require qualities that robots can’t offer, such as an emphatic mindset. We’ll make robots do the “hard work” and have people work in a whole other way. A way, tailored for them individually, so that they won’t get stressed and depressed. We’ll also go from “headhunting” to “teamhunting” because people work better together and need human contact. We won’t go on retirement anymore, instead we’ll take breaks and get recharged during our work life.

Empathy is key

“Looking at ourselves as machines, that’s a big mistake. We really have to find out about human nature. Empathy will be important and difficult for the machines to master and the ability to be irritated is going to be the key to clever innovation. Likewise people can get lazy, and that’s also a good sentiment if you want to create a better planet because we find ways of doing things in smarter ways. We have to tease out human capabilities and find out how to find our individual potentials”.

-Liselotte Lyngsø

Listen to the whole radio program with Liselotte Lyngsø and learn about what future offices are going to look like when holograms are fully developed. You can also discover why we’ll replace our traditional education with micro chips and implants of memories!

You can also read the article “This is what work will look like in year 2100” from Fast Company, where Lyngsø explains further about the subject of how people will work in the future of machines and robots.

The Baby Translator will revolutionize future parenthood

The Baby Translator will revolutionize future parenthood

Imagine always knowing exactly how your baby is feeling. A future where you can read your baby’s mind! Will mind reading solve the problems that we have in this world with lack of empathy? Or will it lead to huge conflicts? 

In a video created by NN Group, futurist Liselotte Lyngsø speaks about how we will soon be able to read brain waves and discusses the huge impact it might have on the world as we know it.

Mind reading and the end of privacy 

We already have technology that allows us to translate brain waves into language. What if you could buy an accessory or piece of clothing for your baby which in the same time makes it possible for you to understand exactly what is going on in its mind?

It’s not only the minds of babies that we have trouble figuring out. It’s not only a device for parents. Everyone would benefit from having access to a technology which makes it easier understand each other at a deeper level. Maybe it would even strengthen our ability to emphasize!

Watch the video with Liselotte Lyngsø here – would you buy the device?

READ ALSO: “3 megatrends that will transform the future of communication” with Liselotte Lyngso. 

The road ahead for Uber is car-pooling

The road ahead for Uber is car-pooling

Ubers strongest selling-point In the nordic region will be to promote car-pooling.

Carpooling already accounts for 20% in the US – During his visit in Copenhagen this week, Liselotte Lyngso asked David Plouffe, VP Communication Manager at Uber and former Campaign Manager for Obama during the 2008 election about the Uber potential for democratising transport.

Watch the video with Liselotte Lyngso and David Plouffe below