Entries by cirkelingelyngso

How creative placemaking will benefit Danish society

“Creative Placemaking is an evolving field of practice which intentionally leverages the power of the arts, culture and creativity. It serves a community’s interest. It drives a broader agenda for change, growth and transformation in a way that also builds character and quality of place.” In a report published in June 2021, The Urban Land Institute seeks to reach […]

War, pandemic & climate change: How will the ongoing crisis change Europe?

Two years with a pandemic. A war with the potential to last social and economic consequences. An ever-raging climate crisis. In a session of Foundation Forum 2022, futurist Liselotte Lyngso joins youth representative Emmy Coffey, and political scientist Ivan Krastev, to talk about how we can rethink the future of Europe. From post-war to pre-war sentiments  Right before the war […]

Nature Calls – But what Kind of Nature?

We live in the Anthropocene period. Human interaction with nature has rapidly and radically changed our ecosystem, our habitat, our planet. We all know the challenges flowing from global warming, the crisis of biodiversity and the accelerated exploitation of natural resources. The Energy war in Europe will speed up the need to make up our […]


In the past decades, the automation of society has accelerated. This is a good thing – at least if we know how to do it right!  That is what the discussion revolves around in this panel debate between Liselotte Lyngso, founder and managing partner of Future Navigator and Margareta Mucibabici, Public Automation is what the […]

How gaming is changing the world

The nerdy aura of gaming has evaporated. Gamers are no longer just pale teenage boys, sitting in their parent’s basements all day. Over a short period of time, gaming has become mainstream and even one of the most desired types of work you could have. And there’s more: Gaming is changing the world and transforming […]